Today's tokens are people. I treasure these three so much!
I didn't know Dan growing up. We met at Grace Church when he moved here from Yuba City. We hit it off right away and became good friends. We were in Sounds of Grace and Youth Group, then on to the College/Career Group. We had a great group of friends we hung out with and we grew closer. And the rest, as they say, is history. We've been married over 32 years ... and counting. :)

My firstborn. She just turned 28 two days ago!!!! One thing that I treasure about this girl is her love and care for people. It was evident even as a baby. My dad was sick and I heard he was in the hospital. We traveled up there (2 days in a Honda Civic with a 2-month old) and were there till my dad passed away. When we got home (we were living in Montana at the time), we got back into our routine. I was blessed I didn't have to work. But there were days I just wanted to sit down and cry. Elizabeth would crawl over to me and just place her head on my lap as if to say, "It's okay, momma. I'm here." She is there for her friends just like she has been there for me when I've had my own sad/crying times. I love you, Liz. (You'll always be Elizabeth to me).

Now to my youngest, who is now 26!!!! She was a handful, but a fun handful. I didn't always handle our battles very well, but, Praise God, she has grown into a beautiful and still fun and funny young woman. She always made me laugh with her random thoughts and sayings. She also scared me as she seemed to be heading down a path I didn't want her to head. I thank God that He protected her and that she is now a more responsible person and figuring out that life is hard, but you just keep going the best you can. I pray for her all the time, especially that she would seek God more in her decision-making. She is getting married and will have an instant family, but she seems very well suited for Lily, who will be there, hopefully, often. The baby picture was taken by Jeanne Thwaites Photogaphy in SLO. I don't remember Danielle being in a dress since those photos....Oh, yeah, Liz's wedding. And she will be in another beautiful dress in October in her own wedding.
I had to add this. We were in OR on her birthday and we went to Red Robin for lunch and she got a sundae for her birthday. She still makes me laugh.
The wedding pictures were taken by Judi Peet. Thanks, friend.
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