Me and someone I love...duh!
The last party you went to...Weddings are parties, right? :) Well, I've been to several, but I always took the pictures. The last one was in August this year, but the picture was taken last year. It's the only one where I was IN the picture.
A drunk photo of me...well, to be honest, I have been drunk before - twice. But I have no pictures of those times, thank goodness. This isn't a very flattering picture of me, so maybe it can be my drunk photo, which actually isn't too bad for that, I guess.
One of your classes/School trip. I combined the two. I don't go to school and haven't had any special classes for almost 40 years. I've been in Bible classes, but I have no pictures of me in there. And then I found these. I went to Guatemala on a Compassion International Sponsor Trip and met the boy I sponsored. This is a high school class of kids who were making aprons with their names on them. I got to sit in on the class and while I was there, I was making bracelets for as many people as I could. I even showed a couple of gals how to make the bracelets and left floss with them. What fun that was just to visit the Compassion sponsored schools and see these kids doing so well.
You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure. Deuteronomy 14:2 (NLT)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Photo Challenge #14
It's hard to think of a favorite family member. For some people it's easy, but for me, I have favorites. But I think I'll share a picture of Danielle. She has always been my challenge, but she has always been so fun and funny, her own person, unique in her dress and lifestyle. These pictures make me miss her even more. I can't believe she is getting married.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
I keep posting this each year for fun. I found Liz's hand turkey, but it's not in my computer yet (funny, I said that last year, too). So I better get it in. I'll have to use that next year or maybe later this week I'll just post for fun. I pray everyone has a great day with family and friends. I'm thankful for all of you. Love and lots of hugs

This isn't just a turkey
As anyone can see
I made it with my hand
Which is a part of me.
It comes with lots of love
Especially to say,
I hope you have a very happy
Thanksgiving Day!
As anyone can see
I made it with my hand
Which is a part of me.
It comes with lots of love
Especially to say,
I hope you have a very happy
Thanksgiving Day!
And I just found another poem (well, Edna did)-------
We gather 'round,
Not on the ground
We eat turkey,
Not beef jerky
Being thankful on this day,
Thanksgiving holiday! (also, Danielle)
Not on the ground
We eat turkey,
Not beef jerky
Being thankful on this day,
Thanksgiving holiday! (also, Danielle)
Poets must run in the family. :) And I may fail the photo challenge since I'm not with my pictures this weekend. But I will catch up when I get home. Still looking forward to seeing others' photos.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Photo Challenge #13 Best Friend
Noonie and I met at church. We met in choir and sat next to each other since we both sang Alto. While I was working at duplicating sermon tapes, she would come, sit on the stairs with her guitar and we would practice songs together. We sang duets together for Women's Bible Study, HUG, Ladies' Salad Supper and even did a few Sunday nights of leading music together. We are movie buddies, Target buddies, garage sale buddies. She has been there for my joys and for my sorrows. And now we are 3 hours away. I miss seeing her every week at church or on weekends going to the movies. I miss her yellow bug. But thank God we have texting, phones, emails and since we are only 3 hours away and not 3,000 miles away, we do get to see each other when I go up to visit. We have made it a practice to get together for breakfast one of the days I'm up. It's our time to catch up, talk about our kids and ask for prayer for things going on in our lives that we may not share with many people. I love this lady and am so glad she has been a part of my life for over 15 years. And I love her family, too.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 12
You've most likely seen this picture before as a profile pic, but it's one of the only pics I have of myself. So, as you can see, I'm a Laker fan...have been since they moved to LA. I used to watch their games on my B&W console TV - Jerry West, Wilt Chamberlain, Pat Riley, etc. This is the only team I have been a fan of throughout the years with no jumping ship even if they were having a bad year. With football and baseball, I've had different favorite teams or players. I've pretty much stuck with 49ers now, even during the slumps, but the Lakers are all there is in basketball, right? :)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thanksgiving Dinner #1
Today our Bible Study had a Thanksgiving dinner together. I got pies at Marie Callendar's along with whipped cream. Dan had to work, so he wouldn't make it till late. What a blessing, though, to finally be involved in a minichurch (growth group) and meet some more church family. They are so fun. And it's funny that the person whose house we have the study in reminds me so much of Stella. Bev has the same type of voice, same mannerisms and even the same sense of humor! Such a sweet lady. And it's a nice mix of people in this group. I should have taken more pictures of the people rather than just the food. I Well, I love that it's only three blocks away - walking distance. So here is the food layout:
This is Bev's house - just around the corner a couple of blocks.
And here is Bev (my Stella) and Reggie (from Ireland) who carved the turkey. He is such a crack-up. I should have had this in video mode. He was dancing while Bev was trying to tie the apron on. (They are not married. Her husband died a few years ago and I'm not sure when Reggie lost his wife. Good friends.)
Linda brough this candle as a remembrance of people who used to be in the group
(before our time) who have gone home to the Lord.
And then we watched this. It has been a long time since I've seen this film - it is totally a must-see.
So we had a nice time of fellowship, food and film.
And now I'm ready for my next meal - in San Luis Obispo.
We will be coming up for the holiday after all.
Maybe we'll see you while we're up visiting.
But if we don't see you, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Remember what the Lord has done and be thankful.
Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father
for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19b-20
...give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:18
Friday, November 19, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 10
A picture of me as a baby. Well, those are stored away, what little I have, but I do have a couple on my computer I can share.
My first birthday in San Salvador. My mom baked me a cake and I think I ended up enjoying it like all 1 year olds do - wore more than I ate. :) But this is before (such an old picture--sorry it's a little blurry:
And this is my first passport picture. I sure wish I knew where the hat and sweater went. I would have used them for my girls and if it survived, for granddaughters. What a cutie I was!
My first birthday in San Salvador. My mom baked me a cake and I think I ended up enjoying it like all 1 year olds do - wore more than I ate. :) But this is before (such an old picture--sorry it's a little blurry:
And this is my first passport picture. I sure wish I knew where the hat and sweater went. I would have used them for my girls and if it survived, for granddaughters. What a cutie I was!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 9
A photo of my family. This is kind of rare at this point since I do most of the 'photographing.' But I found these.
This is a picture of us when we visited Danielle for Christmas. Me, Dan, Liz & Gregg, Lily (Steven's daughter), Steven & Danielle. So when Danielle and Steven get married next year, I'll be instant "grandma" or whatever she wants to call me (do I need to approve?). Sorry it's not a better picture. Can't enlarge it or you won't be able to see anything.
This is a picture of us when we visited Danielle for Christmas. Me, Dan, Liz & Gregg, Lily (Steven's daughter), Steven & Danielle. So when Danielle and Steven get married next year, I'll be instant "grandma" or whatever she wants to call me (do I need to approve?). Sorry it's not a better picture. Can't enlarge it or you won't be able to see anything.
This is Father's Day this past year when Danielle was here visiting...right after graduation. This also includes her friend, Amber. We went to Huntington Beach to eat at Mo's (yes, just like the one in SLO - the old Mo's - now it's been sold, but still the good food we always enjoy, unless it's changed since we last went a few months ago). We walked to this restaurant for dessert - Dan loves Tiramisu.
Photo Challenge - Day 8
When K-LIFE Christian Radio Station began in 1995, one of the first groups I heard was DCTalk. I loved their harmonies, their songs, and their testimonies. And to think they had been together for a few years already. It all seemed new to me because we didn't have a station that played this music. We had the Parable, but I didn't know music at that time. My daughter knew, though. She and I went to so many of their concerts over the years. Those were our mother/daughter trips and we had fun. It was so sad to see them go their separate ways. If they ever decide to come back together, we'll be the first to pick up tickets.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 7
I, of course, had to follow Jenny's lead. I wish I had better pictures of my parents. I have one at work and the rest are still in storage. But here are two I've shared before. I love and miss my parents so much. My mom had mental problems, a double mastectomy and eye surgeries when I was in high school. It was a very difficult time for our family, but God brought me through and gave me a gift I will never forget. The last time I saw her was in a rest home in Atascadero. We had two of the best hours ever - we talked, laughed and shared memories. She died a week later (a year before I got married). But that was a memory I will cherish. My Nana said she had accepted the Lord when she was little, but I wasn't raised in a Christian home.
As for my dad...yes, I was daddy's little girl, but I wasn't spoiled. He would do anything to protect me. He encouraged me in everything I did and I sure miss him a lot, too. He did get to walk me down the aisle when Dan and I got married. The last time I saw him was in Montana when he came to visit. It was the last time I saw him in snow (he hated it, mainly because he grew up in it and always was the shoveler). I did get to tell him he was going to be a grandfather and when Elizabeth was born, I got to hear his excitement when I told him he WAS a grandfather. I wrote him a letter about Christianity and my conversion, but I never got to talk to him about it. God only knows.
My parents were loving and kind, encouraging and kept me in line. Even with my mom's problems, I still have all the good and sweet memories of her to hang on to. And I have special memories of both of them which I will always treasure.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 6
Well, I'm a little behind. I wanted to put this picture up sooner because it makes me laugh. Ken makes me laugh. Working in the youth group made me laugh. It was such a fun time. Our dress-up times were really fun because you saw so many types of clever, too. I think this might have been the "Decades"-themed Christmas party. But, anyway, it makes me smile and laugh to see us together like this. Do the outfits become us?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 5
Wow, Jenny, I'm still going. This photo challenge is fun and actually is a challenge. I don't have many pictures of just me since I'm the one usually snapping away, but then I guess we have to improvise from time to time anyway, which is fun. I love to see a few others taking this on, too.
The one picture I found is, of course, this wedding pic of me taken by McLain's Photography in 1979 and she did my daughter, Liz's, senior pics. But I still look at my wedding book, the one photo album that is always, ALWAYS around. What a great day! And didn't you, Jenny, wear this during a "guess whose wedding dress?" game at a shower? I can't remember if it was you or who it was. Anyway, this is me, 31+ years ago.
The one picture I found is, of course, this wedding pic of me taken by McLain's Photography in 1979 and she did my daughter, Liz's, senior pics. But I still look at my wedding book, the one photo album that is always, ALWAYS around. What a great day! And didn't you, Jenny, wear this during a "guess whose wedding dress?" game at a shower? I can't remember if it was you or who it was. Anyway, this is me, 31+ years ago.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 4
Every May since Danielle left home, we would go to visit her in Oregon. I don't know why May, but it has been the best time for us to travel and for her to take off from work or school. Last year we were there during the Memorial Day weekend and Danielle had been wanting to go the Oregon Coast - "Let's go to the beach." As much as she didn't like San Luis Obispo (go figure), she really did miss the beaches. So we (me, Dan, Danielle, her boyfriend, Steven and best friend, Natalia) drove to the coast and walked on the beach and collected rocks and things. Just hung out and had a great day which included fish and chips in the little city right there (can't remember exactly where...I need to write these things down). Glad it was a beautiful day and NO rain!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 3
What makes me happy is watching my husband with our daughters. This picture (okay...I had to put both so you could see their cute faces) is one of my favorites - taken at Montaña de Oro State Park. One of our favorite places to hang out when they were little (and older).
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 2
A photo of myself a year ago - this was when I didn't have a job and I was trying to put together a little portfolio for myself (based on instructions from a talent website for extras). I never did anything with it and never really pursued my acting career. :) Just figured it would be something to make money till I got a real job (for me).
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Photo Challenge - Day 1 (Thanks, Jenny)
I'm joining Jenny (read her blog - you will absolutely love this girl!) on the 30-day photo challenge. Sounds like fun. We'll see how good I can do keeping up. So for Day 1, here is my facebook profile pic.
This seems appropriate (sort of) since I just changed my pic in honor of all the veterans and Jenny's a military wife. My daughter and I went to a showing of the M*A*S*H movie and then two episodes of the TV show. After, the episodes was a Q&A with the director, producers, medical adviser, writers and Father Mulcahy (William Christopher). He was kind enough to take this picture with me - love that he smiled so nicely. He was signing things and taking pictures and just having fun talking with everyone afterward. Fun night reminiscing about this favorite show of mine from the 70s-80s.
This seems appropriate (sort of) since I just changed my pic in honor of all the veterans and Jenny's a military wife. My daughter and I went to a showing of the M*A*S*H movie and then two episodes of the TV show. After, the episodes was a Q&A with the director, producers, medical adviser, writers and Father Mulcahy (William Christopher). He was kind enough to take this picture with me - love that he smiled so nicely. He was signing things and taking pictures and just having fun talking with everyone afterward. Fun night reminiscing about this favorite show of mine from the 70s-80s.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Salutes to You
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