You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure. Deuteronomy 14:2 (NLT)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
We went to the Honda Center for a concert - Lord of the Rings. It was really nice except for the fact that it was the whole movie. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie. But even the lady next to me was disappointed. We both watched the movie to get psyched up for it and thought it would be just different scenes with the orchestra playing music for that scene. That's what they did with Star Wars last year, apparently. So, we sit for almost four hours. The music was beautiful, the soloists were okay (no comparison to Enya). Still a fun night with the kids (even though they weren't feeling well, but were able to get through this). It was actually a birthday night for Dan (a few weeks removed).
I didn't even think about taking this picture till after I passed the bushes. They were so pretty with all their colorful flowers. You can kind of see the different colors. Just around the corner from me. Might take another shot if I get a chance.
A few blocks away this corner house decorated for Halloween. Kind of reminds me of a friend who really does it up for holidays. I don't do Halloween decorating, but it's kind of fun to see other's stuff.
And we DO have Fall in Redondo Beach! :)
Okay. Now link up your photos. I have to thank Jeannett again for this fun Friday blogging. At least I get a blog a week done, for the most part. Will try to do more.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Look for a friend...
Look for a friend who will love you unconditionally and accept you as you are, as she points you toward Jesus. Look for someone who will walk with you through thick and thin, as she reminds you that Jesus cares and understands. Susan Miller, After the Boxes Are Unpacked
No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
1 John 4:12 NIV
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I love this InstaFriday blogging, but I'm not doing it as well as I would like. Well, here are a few things from this past week. Happy Friday and link up with us.
Just for the fun of it, I took a few shots through the sun roof of my fun car. I don't know why it took me so long to open it while driving, but I decided it was a great way to get my Vitamin D that, apparently, I am lacking. It's so fun and warm and sunny - I do have to wear a hat or pull my hair into a ponytail, but that's fine. I'd rather do that than have my hair flying everywhere and knotting up. It feels so good to have my roof open while driving - not as much fun on the freeway, but I hardly drive there.
Waiting for the train to pass by. I wish I would have been prepared because at the tail end of the train was a rail truck following the train. Looked so funny. Reminded me of Back to the Future III when Marty ended up on the train tracks when he came back to the future. :)
I finally picked up my Hymns sign that Joy left at my mother-in-law's house. LOVE it! Gotta hang it up now. Let's hope it doesn't take as long to do that task as it did to get it.
I tried to get a picture of an airplane going overhead. Should have opened my sunroof. Duh!!!!! I'm sitting in the cellphone parking lot for LAX waiting for Liz and Gregg to arrive from OR after visiting her sister. They had a great weekend. It was supposed to be the weekend we were all going to be up their for Danielle's wedding, but it didn't happen. Instead, they had Danielle Day and a ton of her friends came from all over just to be with her to support her on this difficult weekend. It was a success! I thank God that she has supportive friends who care about her and come to her when she needs them.
Can you see the plane? :) haha
We were in SLO visiting and when we come for a visit, we usually go to our storage unit to look for a couple of things that we decided we needed after all. Well, we were going through one of Dan's boxes and lo and behold... PEACE!!!
...and a gift he THINKS he bought for me years ago, but just never bothered to give me. haha I love this cute little jewelry box.
And the earrings aren't bad either. Wish you could see them better in my ear. :)
Well, now it's your turn to join us with your cellphone pics. Whether you have an iPhone or not (like me), you are welcome to share. Have a fun Friday.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Where we ate lunch with Dave, Marie and Edna to celebrate hers and Dan's birthdays. Such a beautiful day in Cayucos. Even though it was windy, the glassed barrier kept it from bothering us. So nice.

Walked on the pier. THERE it was really windy. Dave lost his hat in the water and we watched as a pelican claimed it and sat on it. So funny. And those spikes on the lamppost would keep ANYone off.
The south end of Cayucos where some friends of ours are building a beach house. I'm so, SO jealous. Notice the stairs and the sign and the VIEW. See why I'm jealous. I'm excited for them. I already told them we were going to stay with them when we come up to visit. I think they're okay with that.
This is a plaque on the bench just at the top of the stairs where my friend's beach access begins.
I hope you have a very fun and exciting or relaxing weekend. Join us with your cellphone pics. It's fun to see and meet new friends.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
What I Read Wednesday
Psalm 149:3 Let them praise his name with dancing,
making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!
I love dancing...always have, but haven't done it for so long, until now. I am in a class called Hula Praise at our church. We do the hula to Christian songs. We have learned Open the Eyes of My Heart and How Great Is Our God. I couldn't picture doing it, till I did it. I used to Hula when I lived in Hawaii and did a few shows. But never to Christian lyrics. Here's a sample. Some movements are different from group to group, but all in all, it's a way to praise God. That's what my teacher wanted to do with her hula. She didn't want to honor other gods, so tried to get a class like this together to honor Our God. It's fun and it really is a good workout, if you do it right.
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