We went up to check out a Honda CRV...and we bought it! It needs new tires and a windshield, but we figured we could handle those things. A couple of other things we'd like to do, too, but nothing major. I shared this pic already, but I had to show you again how this car fits me so well. I love how God gives us the desires of our hearts. Everyday I drive it, I say, "Thank You, Lord, for this car. Help us take care of it so it will be with us a long time."

Our hydrangea are growing and so are the lilies (?). I think that's what they are. How bad is that - I don't even know what I have in front of my house. The lilies' plant (the leaves) look horrible sometimes, but the flowers look beautiful as they grow. Nice while it lasts.
Next door are these palm trees. When the wind blows really hard the leaves from the trees end up on our lawn. At least no one has gotten hurt by them as far as I know.
Just to take pics with my phone, I took a picture of my little home. Small, but fits us, sort of. We still have about half our stuff in storage in SLO, but right now this is good for us. So, you can kind of see the hydrangea and lily bushes to the left. When the hydrangea is in full bloom, it's really a sight. Of course, you'll see that in the future. :)
This is one of my favorite coffee cups. I use it and another one with a Woody Wagon and beach scene everyday just about. They are bigger than a regular size coffee cup and I love it. Wouldn't you know, there had to be Tigger on at least one of my cups. I also have glass with Tigger.
And I just had to take this pic last night as the sun was setting. Dan and I were checking out the Honda to figure out a couple of things we are going to do on it, and I saw the clouds and the sun and ran back into the house to get my phone. Redondo Beach is a nice little place to live. :)
I have this little shelf with a few little fun things. Can you tell who I root for? A silly little shelf, but that's me. If LA gets a football team, what am I going to do? Probably root for them, but the 49ers are my team for life, no matter what. Lakers have been my team since 1964 - no jumping off the bandwagon when times were bad. As for baseball, I have usually followed players. When I first started rooting for teams, I started with the Reds. I was a catcher in fast pitch softball and Johnny Bench (oooohhhh, Johnny Bench) was my favorite player. Then I liked other players along the way, but I guess Dodgers fever has caught on and I am now a full-fledged Dodgers fan. Even though they lost both times we went to games, I still want to continue going and supporting them, even with all the controversy going on around them. That's what a true fan does. Right?
This was just a random pic. As I was stopped at the light on my way to work, I quickly took this shot. They've been building this side of the building for months. I should have taken a picture when it was just framing, before the walls went up. Unbelievable how tall that crane is.
I'll try to be more deliberate in picture taking. I love that Jeannett has this fun little Friday task. Maybe I'll figure out my camera phone the more I use it. I figured out how to upload, so that's good. I hope to take better pics, too. Time for you to link up now.
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