The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9
O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; for You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. Isaiah 25:1

Friday was my last day working in the office of Grace Church. Sunday was the last regular Sunday service for me and Dan...the last time I read Scripture...the last time I listened to the choir...the last time I'll see my friends on a regular basis. Monday was a last good-bye to a lot of friends. And it was a special time of memories, laughter and prayer. Thanks to all who were there. We love you so much. Tonight was my last Biggest Loser/American Idol night with my friend, Noonie. A lot of years have passed with LOADS of memories from living in SLO for 45 years and going to Grace Church - corner of Osos and Pismo - for almost 39 years. I will head out Wednesday morning after I finish packing up the stuff in the little bedroom we stayed in for the last 8 months in my mother-in-love's house - Thanks, mom, for putting up with us for so long.
But, on the other hand: Wednesday will be the first day I'll step into my own house and be able to stay with my husband (no more commuting for either of us). It will be the first time I will have to look for another church in 39 years. It will also be the first time to look for a job in 12-1/2 years (I'll take my time on that one).

"God, You showed this house to us and we didn't get the hint. You showed it to us again, and we listened." Amazing what happens when you decide to listen to God, rather than to your sight.
So, who knows how long we will be gone? We hope to come back eventually. In the meantime, we will make Redondo Beach our home and find a new church family to get involved with and figure out what ministry we can do together as a couple. AND be able to spend time with our daughter and son-in-love now that we are closer to them. God is faithful, God is good, God is loving and He provides for all our needs, wherever He plants us.