Anyway, today he went for his first day at work at LAX. Only one problem...in order to get his work badge, he had to go the office - which took Veteran's Day off!!! He didn't know this and they never said anything. He told them he would be here on Tuesday. So, he was discouraged right off the bat. And then he had applied for a different job down there and was waiting to have an interview. Well, he thinks he might have had that interview, in a way. Oh, well. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. It looks like, for the moment, he will work his same days (W-St), but work the swing shift, something like 3:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Yuk! That may change (I sure hope so).
I want to go back to Saturday, November 1 - we went to the San Luis Obispo Airport to watch American Eagle Flight 3005, N323AE, fly out for the last time. There were a lot of employees there waiting for it to take off. The Spirit was rented out so they could party afterwards while they were still here in SLO. It was interesting to see these people and know that in the next week or so, some will head to other places, some will stay here and take the layoff, Dan and 8 others are heading to LAX (some are moving there, some will commute), and others are training for other things. There are even a couple of people who just said it's too much to try to do something else, so they just retired. So the pictures are of the entrance to the SLO Airport, the last ground crew, flight crew and passengers on the last flight, a cannon salute by our local fire department, us saying bye to the plane and each other, and a "thanks for the memories" cake. Twenty-two years of memories for Dan.

To tell you the truth, I'm feeling a little depressed, but that'll go away. If I think too much about it, it can get me down. So, I will keep God in my sight - "Glance at my circumstances and Gaze on Jesus" - and keep plugging away till we are shown clearly our next step...our next adventure. Thankfully, this is only temporary.
He has all things in His hands
It is not for me to understand
I would have it no other way
But to trust in Him and obey.
Where we will go I do not know
But "time will tell" as the saying goes
I will carry on and seek His face
Until He shows us our new place.
Robbin Mote (11/11/08)
It is not for me to understand
I would have it no other way
But to trust in Him and obey.
Where we will go I do not know
But "time will tell" as the saying goes
I will carry on and seek His face
Until He shows us our new place.
Robbin Mote (11/11/08)
does that mean he'll stay down there for a few days a week or commute by plane each day?
That means I'm stuck with him for the time- jk. It's kind of fun having him down here. Be jealous mom-you know you want to be here with us!
Believe it or not, you can leave SLO and still survive! We are! When you do get down this way and need a little break from the "concrete jungle," come see us.
Praying for God's best
Satan sure is creative when he wants to discourage us from doing what God is leading us to do. Tell Dan we are praying for him as well as you. Just make it your task to enjoy the journey.
Yup. Dan goes down and stays with Liz & Gregg and works. Then he comes home on his days off. He can't fly because American Eagle doesn't fly here anymore, so he just drives down. Hope our old car holds up. I'm getting a little anxious to get into my own place, though, but I think I can make it a couple more months.
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