especially when you don't have much. Since we moved to Redondo Beach, I have been wanting to take to heart, hospitality. Sue Donaldson has been such an inspiration in this simple act of sharing and fellowship, that I really wanted to step out of my comfort zone and start using our house - as little as it is - as a place for people to come and feel loved and relax.
We have had a few opportunities already, and I'm not even finished getting our place all in order and I'm in pain from hurting my ribs in a fall in Oregon. The Petersons were heading out to Australia and wanted to return their rental car early so they wouldn't have to pay for another day. We picked them up at the car rental place, came home, set up our two beach chairs and office chairs (had a small couch) and sat a chatted a little and they freshened up. We then drove down to Manhattan Beach (2 miles away), walked on the pier and had dinner. Then we dropped them off at the airport. According to Josiah's facebook page, THEY MADE IT!! Yay!

Then we had another friend, Debby, drop by as she was heading back to Bakersfield. Had a nice chat and caught up with her and what she was doing and then she left after a couple of hours.

And THEN, Rachel was heading out of LAX to Ethiopia and wasn't sure how she was going to get there...if she was going to come the night before or just try to get a ride VERY early in the morning. So, I let her know she was welcome to stay with us and I would drive her to the airport. So, her sister, Rose, drove her down from Santa Barbara, I made dinner - let me stress that...I MADE DINNER (for those of you who know me, I don't like to cook really, but I'll cook for others - weird) - and then Rose drove back to SB. Rachel slept on our air mattress in the small living room and this morning at 5:15 I drove her to the airport. (Sorry, Rachel, this was the only picture I had. You, too, Danielle...just couldn't resist.)

I'm finding how simple it is to welcome people into your home, especially when you don't think about the things you DON'T have. Think about what you DO have and improvise if you have to. Why did it take me all these years to really feel comfortable with doing this? I don't have to have a big kitchen, family room, several bedrooms, chairs, etc., to try and help others out or just have people over for fellowship. I just have to be willing and open to the possibilities.
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 1 Peter 4:9 Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:13I don't see anywhere in these verses that says you have to practice hospitality IF you have a big house or IF you feel like it or IF you have enough furniture. JUST DO IT!!! A friend said we should open a bed and breakfast...Dan said it would be more like a "couch and snack."
SO, anyway...if you are going to be flying out of LAX and have some time to spare, you are welcome to come by and hang out before your flight or you can spend the night, too. We'll find a nook or cranny to fit you in and get you to the airport. And even if you aren't going to the airport, but are in the area, call or drop by. We'd love to see you.