Oh, yes. It's Monday. We start heading to Cayucos to find our motel, and then continue on up the coast. We stopped in Harmony.

It was kind of sad to see this cute little area so quiet. The post office was closed down, but the Pottery store is still in operation from what we were told. We didn't really look around, but we did go into the Glass Store and Dan bought me an anniversary present.

Then we headed to Cambria, ate at Main Street Grill and continued on up the coast again. We made it to the Elephant Seal lookout and just marveled at these great creatures of the sea. It is the birthing season - first pup was born on December 20th. There were a lot of moms and pups...they mate, get pregnant, have their pup, wean them after about 4 weeks and then leave them to themselves to learn how to survive. Then they mate again and the cycle continues. What a life? They were so fun to just watch and listen to as they were laying around. Every so often a bull would chase another bull - we never did see an all-out fight. And sometimes a mom would "yell" at anyone coming near her pup. It was just a fun time.

There were also these cute squirrels - FAT squirrels - that could come right up to you and actually BEG for food. They were so cute. I wasn't fast enough to get one begging. They scurried too fast.

So we continued driving and we see the Piedras Blancas Lighthouse. As we drive by, we notice a sign showing tour times. We happened to be available on Tuesday at 10:00 so we decided that the next day we would get up and head up the coast again to take the tour.
As we head back to Cayucos, we stopped at Linn's to get dessert. We got to our hotel and decided we should probably eat dinner. So we walked to the Sea Shanty down the street and had our fish and chips.
Okay, I'll try to finish this up tomorrow.