He told me He loves me
And He showed me by dying on the cross
He told me He loves me
And He said that I will never suffer loss.
He told me that I was a sinner
He said that I would surely die
But then He said, "Child, I love you
And I want you to live with me on High."
He showed me the way to a new life
A life full of joy and of peace
He promised me things would not be perfect
But He would always be there - my pain He would ease.
He has always kept His promise
To be with me when things would go wrong
And when my life was going wonderfully
His love was there just as strong.
He never backs away from His children
His arms are open wide for them all
All we need to do is come to Him
"Come be with Me" is His call.
If you don't know who you can turn to
Jesus is waiting for you
He doesn't look at race, creed or color
He loves you because you are you.
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