I'm going to share just a few notes from Sunday's sermons that jump out at me or I just feel like sharing. Today Elder Ed Lee spoke on "Which Way to Heaven?"
The most important decision that anybody will ever make is regarding their eternal destiny. Everyone will live somewhere forever without end. It will either be hell and eternal punishment or Heaven and eternal joy.
There are two gates - Wide and Narrow. Jesus says "Enter (a command) by the narrow gate," the gate that leads to eternal life.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the Truth and the Life,
no man comes to the Father but by Me." John 14:6
It's amazing how popular it is to assume that there are all kinds of different ways to heaven, even among Evangelicals. The Narrow gate is like a turnstile, admitting only one person at a time...it is intensely personal.
The Wide gate lets everyone through at once with all their ideas of how to get to heaven - "we're all getting there eventually". And it usually has nothing to do with what Jesus did on the cross - the Divine accomplishment that saves us...It Is Finished!
"You and your sins must separate (can't even have one),
or you and your God cannot come together..." Charles Spurgeon
You need to forsake, abhor and ask God to overcome them.
"And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord,
choose this day whom you will serve...
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15