You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure. Deuteronomy 14:2 (NLT)
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Three Things About One Word - Silence
Silence: absence of sound or noise; stillness
When you sit in silence, what do you hear? Nothing? What about your thoughts? My mind never seems to shut down no matter how many times I tell it to 'hush up'! The day's troubles come to mind; tomorrow's tasks join in. One way I try to change the 'noise' is by praying or reading the Bible. But the devil doesn't want us to do that, so he continues to try to distract us. But God is stronger than any distraction that comes.
When you sit in silence, what do you hear? Nothing? What about your thoughts? My mind never seems to shut down no matter how many times I tell it to 'hush up'! The day's troubles come to mind; tomorrow's tasks join in. One way I try to change the 'noise' is by praying or reading the Bible. But the devil doesn't want us to do that, so he continues to try to distract us. But God is stronger than any distraction that comes.
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
Be still - and you just might hear His voice saying, "Everything is okay. I'm here for you always. Trust Me."
Silence is golden, so the saying goes. Think how 'golden' silence is when we refrain from gossiping, lying or slander, etc. Never thought about that and then I saw these words and the following verse:
For, He that would love life,
And see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil,
And his lips that they speak no guile:
And let him turn away from evil, and do good;
Let him seek peace, and pursue it.
1 Peter 3:10-11
Seek peace and pursue it. Life for my Compassion child is made better through Compassion and the Center that cares for his needs: medical care, meals, teaching good hygiene habits. Those who are caring for him are not silent about God's Word and His love for them. They share their lives and show the love of God to him. I'm thankful to be able to be a part of this work. Won't you join Compassion and sponsor a child and help save another little life? I couldn't say 'no' to this little guy?
From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger. Psalm 8:2

Friday, May 3, 2013
Children's Hospital
What a day and it’s only half over. I decided to give
platelets (partly selfish on my part). I saw this psa from the LA Kings and thought it would be a good idea, and maybe I can win
tickets to a playoff game. Well, they checked my veins and they didn’t feel
they were “good enough” to do platelets, but I could give blood if I wanted. This meant I didn't qualify for the drawings they were going to have. Oh well, since I was there, I decided to give blood anyway.
Even before this time, as I entered LA Children's Hospital , I was amazed at immenseness of this place and I saw more kids who needed the
care of this place than I have ever seen. I have just a few friends with
special needs kids and I don’t even have a clue what they go through when their
children have “episodes” or weaken from their disease. The only way I have even
learned a little about this is through Jeannett.
How my heart hurts reading her story. I’ve been so blessed to have healthy children (who by the
way are 30 and 28 – Oy!). I’d like to think that I could be like Jeannett
KNOWING that God is Good – No Matter What. I DO KNOW that. And her kids are amazing. I don’t know them up
close and personal, but I feel I know them through her blogs and pictures and
stories. With God’s strength, she is doing good by her kids. And her husband,
Andy, right there by her side, is an amazing dad.
I walked around a little bit, bought a shirt and a Grande
Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato. I watched as parents were pushing their kids in
their wheelchairs, as a young teenage girl walked the halls with, I think a
volunteer, while pushing her IV next to her and, while giving blood, a mom with
her daughter was giving blood next to me. She was from Long Beach and when she
comes up for her daughter’s doctor appointments, gives blood when she can. Her
daughter sat there next to her in her wheelchair, with barely a peep out of
her. Cute little gal wearing a headband
with a bow, pink striped socks and flower dress. I’m one of those people who doesn’t know how
to start a conversation to find out their story and I’m mad at myself that I
didn’t stick around a little longer to get to know her. Made me think more
about volunteering at CHLA…even if I do hate driving in LA traffic and it would
take me an hour to get there (depending on traffic). It’s only a half hour
away, said it would take about 45 minutes and it still took me an hour to get
there, and it was hot outside. But, the more I think about it, the more I want
to explore this option because it would be worth the drive.
So, it’s been a productive day and I look forward to seeing
how God might lead me as far as volunteering at CHLA or maybe something closer –
it would be a blessing not to have to drive. J
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