Linking with Jeannett and InstaFriday. I don't have an iPhone, but that's okay. You are welcome to join with any cellphone pics. I missed last week, so here are just a few from the past two weeks.
Well, it's kind of hard to see, but a neighbor or two really did it up for Halloween. Kind of reminds me of friends in SLO.
Just some pretty blossoms on one of our walks. Can you believe I can't remember where. I think Santa Cruz on our way to the Partners International conference.
Just looking out to the ocean in Capitola on way to Mt. Hermon camp just up the road.
And we made it. Edna didn't want to drive by herself, so she asked Dan if we wanted to go up with her. We didn't even hesitate. One...we were going to Mt. Hermon and Two...we were going to see my sister-in-law, Marilyn, who has worked with PI since long as we've been married. Wow!
These were on a tree in the Mt. Hermon Conf. office...made of wood. So cute.
Our nametags. They had ribbons you could stick on your tags...something that maybe expressed who you are or what you believed...just some fun stuff. Dan's originally said "Golf Coordinator". He didn't like the Coordinator part because he didn't want people to think he was actually going to coordinate a golf match of some sort. So, we cut that part off and added the "Go Green." I think that worked pretty well. :)
Our tub has feet! Our cabin was fun, except for the HUGE spider. Sorry, couldn't stand looking at him, much less take a picture. :)
They had a parade of countries (can't remember actual name) where staff/volunteers wore costumes from each of the countries represented by the missionaries from Partners. SO beautiful. You can't see very well, but that's Marilyn and I can't remember her country. So bad of me.
They had drawings for different items from the different countries represented. I won this necklace from Malta. You can search for Mdina Glass to see the beautiful things they make. The cross is the Crusaders' design and the eight points represent the Beatitudes. So pretty. Haven't won anything in a long time.
Can't believe this is the ONLY picture I took when we were able to get together with some friends of ours from SLO (Dauphins) who now live in the area. The fellowship and food was so nice. It was fun getting together, seeing the kids who have grown up so much and just catching up.
Just about home - there's our exit. What a great weekend!
Okay. You're turn!