We can be so pathetic sometimes. We've been here in the LA area for almost a year and we can't think of things to do for fun. So for our anniversary, we spent half the day trying to decide what to do. We got in the car and just started driving. Stopped at Blockbuster, tried to find a particular Italian Restaurant and got there when it was "closed". It was actually only open for take-out until dinner started at 4:00pm. Then we decided to just to go Olive Garden. Good choice. We finished our Linner (whatever Lunch/Dinner is since it was in-between) and just started driving again.

We started driving South on PCH for a change and found a couple of places to get out and just take in God's creation. One of the places we stopped was Roessier Point.

There was this pile of cat food in the middle of the walkway to the gazebo. We heard the meows of the cats around. This one came up to the fence as we were getting into our van. I wanted to take him home, but, of course, couldn't.
We then stopped at 7-Eleven for a drink and snack. And...Dan bought me a rose for our anniversary. One that will last forever. He didn't want me to write this, but I had to share. I did joke about getting it, but decided I did want it after all. Too cute!
We found this trail and decided to walk around it to see where it led. And then we saw this sign - Dan said he already broke a rule: He thought about it, even before we saw the sign. Funny Dan.

We ended up here: Point Vicente Interpretive Center. While we were there, there was a group set up with their binoculars and charts and they were watching to see what whales they could see and wrote down information: what type of whale, time they saw it, etc. And we did see a whale heading south. The sun started going down, too. Beautiful.

And, AND...we couldn't believe it (though some of you might even know or remember this), but we found this old beat up sign right outside the museum. Can you read what it says in the top, right-hand corner? MARINELAND!!! I remember going to Marineland when I was little, but I sure didn't remember it was here. What a shock!
The rest of our drive was through San Pedro. We had looked for a place to live here because it was such a pretty area. But, Dan wasn't sure about the commute...he still might consider it, but right now we aren't in any position to try and move again.
So that was our anniversary day. Kind of boring at first, but ended up being a very nice time of seeing God's creation and fun surprises.