This past Sunday, Mother's Day, we had child dedication at our church. What an appropriate day to dedicate children to the Lord. And we will do the same thing on Father's Day. I was there for the 9:30 service and was so blessed by the families who were having their children dedicated. I couldn't stay for the 11:00 service, though I try to go to all services just to share in the joy of this time. But I knew that the third service was going to be extra special - all three of the children being dedicated were all adopted - the adoptions became official, one just two weeks ago. Being adopted myself some 53 years ago, I really wanted to share in that time, but had to leave. Well, since I have access to videos, I decided to take it home and watch that part of the service. What a special time it was and what a blessing to have the parents these three children have...parents who love kids and were willing to take that step to add more kids to their lives.
I love how God orchestrates our lives even before we are even a thought in our parents' minds. I was born in Guatemala, placed in an orphanage and adopted by two people who "just happened" to live in El Salvador. My adoptive father was in the Army and he had been transfered to El Salvador. They wanted to adopt a child, but at that time, El Salvador had a law that wouldn't allow the taking of an adopted child from his native land. So they went to Guatemala to find me. A friend told them about a child who was available. She didn't say anything to them as to who it was when they came to the orphanage, but when I grabbed hold of my future mom's finger, she knew I was the one. God knew I was the one before they even moved to El Salvador. He knew I was the one, before "Aunt" Rita told them. I became a member of their family in four months. We moved back to the US and I became a citizen a couple of weeks before I turned 4. And when I was 16, I became a citizen of Heaven and a child of God. You could say I was THRICE adopted.
Being adopted, I can understand being adopted by God, by a Father who loves me unconditionally as if I was born into his family. I was never treated like I was just visiting this family until I moved on...like I was just renting a room till I graduated from school. I was their child with all the privileges and rights of being their child. They taught me, disciplined me, encouraged me and loved me for who I was and am.
At the service they mentioned the need for foster parents; there are currently about 360 young people in foster care, some needing permanent homes, just here in the San Luis Obispo area. If anyone is interested in become a foster parent, you can contact Gina Singrich, a Foster Care Coordinator, at 805.781.1705 or 805.781.1776. What better gift to give to a child than to take them into your home as your own.